Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Beaver Log!

We went for a walk around the lake today. On previous occasions we've noticed evidence of beaver activity, but nothing prepared us for what we were about to encounter:

As we got closer, we could see that the beavers had been very busy and quite ambitious: they had successfully felled several trees with trunks nearly a foot in diameter, and were well on their way on a few others:

One of the trees seemed like it should have already fallen over; only a slender twig remained holding up a twenty foot high tree:

No doubt the beavers will return tonight, and we'll be awakened by an almighty crash as they finally bring it down and drag it to the water.

Tomorrow I will go look, and if I'm lucky I'll have The Mother Of All Beaver Logs to put on my piano.


Anonymous said...

Interesting location for a beaver. Is he circled by houses? Has he an escape route?Mm

Murray Chapman said...

The lake is pretty much entirely surrounded by houses, although King County constructed a fish ladder and "Beaver Deceiver" to protect the salmon which spawn downstream. He has no need for escape, because everything he needs is right there at the pond.

Anonymous said...

Any progress on the new "beaver log"?Mm

Anonymous said...

Any progress on the new "beaver log"?Mm

Murray Chapman said...

I haven't been back around for a walk. Alex did with her boyfriend (James) today; I'll ask her if there's anything left of those trees.