On a much more serious note, Tasha managed to lose Cliffy for two whole days -- we were very concerned and spent many hours searching. We were sure she hadn't left the house with him, but we couldn't see him anywhere. As time wore on, we started to get more desperate, even looking in such odd places as the pockets of the pool table and in the freezer.
The number one suspect was the dog, but he's shown no interest in savaging Cliffy over the last five years, and it would have been very much out of character for him to suddenly devour him.
Cliffy was eventually discovered underneath some desk parts leaning against a box in my office; I had looked there, but perhaps I hadn't lifted all of them up. Based on the uproar every time that Cliffy goes missing, I am investigating options for locating him more easily.
Who or what is a Cliffy? Gg
Who or what is a Cliffy? Gg
Cliffy is Tasha's most precious toy; the small red dog in her right hand in the photo. See also Cliffy's homepage.
Is Cliffy Mark II not an alternative/substitute? Mm
No... "I don't like that Cliffy", although she wanted him to stay on her bedside chest instead of going back into the drawer downstairs.
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